CPR and AED Program


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or CPR/AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is the shortest and most basic of all medical training classes. It typically takes less than four hours to learn and it is the most important medical course you can take. CPR is performed on victims who are not breathing and do not have a pulse. There is no greater emergency. CPR has the effect of getting much-needed oxygen to the brain, where it can keep the nerves of the brain alive long enough for someone to get the patient’s heart beating again.

The average national response time for “Emergency Rescue” is 5 to 10 minutes but could be as long as 20 minutes. Brain cells start dying immediately. Irreversible brain damage starts somewhere around 4 minutes, without immediate CPR the chances of survival are small. The question that must be asked is what kind of life style will that person lead if someone doesn’t intervene?

Is your business prepared? If you or a coworker suffers from a heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest, will someone be prepared to step in and respond? Make your workplace a vital link in the “Chain of Survival.”

  • Taught by Certified Instructors
  • Everyone Uses Their Own Manikin
  • Everyone gets Hands-On-Training
  • Everyone gets a Certification Card
  • Everyone gets a CPR Faceshield KeychainContact US

CPR Guys can train your staff to be prepared in the event of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. The time to learn is not during a medical emergency!

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